“Movember” is the leading charity changing the face of men’s health on a global scale, focusing on mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. This year eZeebike Team has taken a step up to work on a Movember Ebike, 1st in the world eZeebikeCadence Movember Custom Build E-Bicycle. Globally, one man takes his own life every minute, of everyday. That’s 60 men each we lose every hour who should still be here today. This Movember, we’re asking you to make your Move – for them. Commit to walking, running or CYCLE 60 minutes over the month or November and December. You don’t have to be an ultra-athlete – or an athlete at all. Move is for everyone.Put one foot in front of the other, and you’ve already made a start.
With The Vibes as our official Media, and Designed sponsored by Frostbiters Ice Hockey Team Malaysia, eZeebike will donate this beautiful work of art, a fully hand drawn by Malaysian artist Ms.Louise Low and curated by Ms.Mavis Chin, will be donated to UCSI Hospital Springhill, in conjunction with UCSI Hospital’s 1st Prostate Cancer Center. A small step begins with US.